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Carl Medley

Blog entry by Carl Medley

Overview of Online Course Frameworks - Course Creation With Course Creativ


If you are considering selling courses online, you may be wondering which course framework is the best fit for your needs. There are many different approaches to creating and selling courses online, so it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you.

To help make the decision easier, let’s take a look at five popular types of online course frameworks.

Self-Paced Courses
Self-paced courses are designed to give students access to content immediately upon purchase. Once they have purchased the course, they can move through it at their own pace—no deadlines or time restrictions apply. The advantage of this type of framework is that students can learn from the comfort of their homes on their own schedule without worrying about keeping up with other students or being held accountable by an instructor.

Synchronous Courses
Synchronous courses are exactly what they sound like—courses that are synchronized with everyone else taking the same course in real time. Students will be required to log in at a specific time each day or week in order for everyone to stay on the same page and discuss what has been learned thus far in class. This type of framework gives instructors more control over their classes and provides a shared learning experience among all participants.

Asynchronous Courses
Asynchronous courses, on the other hand, offer a much different structure than synchronous courses. Instead of having everyone work together in real-time, this type of course allows people to work independently and submit their work when it’s ready. This offers greater flexibility but also provides less accountability as there isn’t an instructor present throughout the entire course duration.

Hybrid Courses
Hybrid courses combine both synchronous and asynchronous elements into one framework so that students can get the benefit of both types at once. This type of course allows instructors to provide more personalized guidance while still giving learners freedom and flexibility to work at their own pace if needed.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
MOOCs are courses offered by colleges and universities that have been opened up for anyone who wants to take them — regardless of whether or not they’re enrolled at that institution — via a digital platform such as edX or Coursera. These types of courses tend to be highly structured with tight deadlines and weekly assignments due on certain days, making them ideal for those looking for a rigorous academic experience in an online format.

With so many options available when it comes to creating an online course, it can be difficult deciding which one is right for you and your business needs. However, by understanding what type of framework each approach offers — self-paced, synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid or MOOC — you can find one that works best for your situation and start building your dream business today!



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